German Preparatory Level (A1)

This course is taken by very beginners. It is at the same time the kindergarten and the First Grade of German. Here, CIAL INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL develops German on the learner's tongue. The courses focus on the word and its etymology, the verb and all its components; the sentence, the grammar... and draws much more on pronunciation: the stress of intensity and the stress of emphasis.

At this level, students receive and master all irregular verbs, know how to distinguish them from regular verbs and how to use them in a sentence. Grammar courses are used as a support.

With an additional illustrated book offered to students at this level, the lessons focus on different events and realities of German life. Students are sufficiently equipped to understand and answer all kinds of questions that are asked to them. With a set of exercises containing many grammatical structures, they easily get their ticket to the intermediate level.

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German - Beginner Level (A2 + B1)

This course is taken by very beginners. It is at the same time the kindergarten and the First Grade of German. Here, CIAL INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL develops German on the learner's tongue. The courses focus on the word and its etymology, the verb and all its components; the sentence, the grammar... and draws much more on pronunciation: the stress of intensity and the stress of emphasis.

At this level, students receive and master all irregular verbs, know how to distinguish them from regular verbs and how to use them in a sentence. Grammar courses are used as a support.

With an additional illustrated book offered to students at this level, the lessons focus on different events and realities of German life. Students are sufficiently equipped to understand and answer all kinds of questions that are asked to them. With a set of exercises containing many

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German - Intermediate Level (B1 + B2)

This course is taken by those who have already tasted German once even if it is a hundred years ago. They can read but don't understand much! When you speak German to them, they seem to understand but they can't answer, because their vocabulary is still very poor. They are the ones who are numerous here.

CIAL International School provides them with a rich course supplemented by a reading and speaking program.

First method: reading and speaking program.

We designed an extensive reading program. It is necessary to read; but it is not enough to read: you have to read well. But it is not enough to read well: you have to understand. It is not enough to understand: you must be able to pass on what you have read and what you have understood. At the end of the reading and speaking program, we move on to silent listening of the text under study.

This course is very rich and beneficial for its content and helps the students to get rid of stress and shyness.

Second method: Actual courses.

The lessons are prepared and placed in boxes in front of each student. After the reading and speaking program, students pick up the lesson from the boxes and follow it carefully with the instructor. At the end of the course, students leave with the course. In CIAL INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, students do not copy.

Thus, at the end of the training, students are able to speak German fluently. Since they have been well prepared in advance during their training and have a very solid background, students are able to present a topic that is assigned to them. This additional phase allows them to get confidence in the knowledge they have acquired in the firm, to express themselves and to completely get rid of uncertainty, shame and shyness.

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German - Professional Level (C1 + C2)

It is a selective level. Students are only admitted if they have completed their level 2 training with us. For those who come from elsewhere, they take an aptitude test to be admitted.

Candidates at this level are expected to master the grammar and to have a maximum of vocabulary. The course is much more focused on oral expression and the mastery of rhetoric.

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